🗨️ Orbi’s News
Yikes! The Entity has been spooking many players, have you been able to escape from him yet? I only just made it out!
🌐 Global
• You can now purchase Pet Name Changes to rename your pet!
• You can now select the age of your pet!
• Our server rules have been added to the Extra Things menu and through the command /rules!
🏎️ Hyper Racers
New Map! Ancient Thoroughfare 🏁
🤖 Discord News
• The #🌎general and #✨elite channels will show the Top 10 ELITE members by how many days of ELITE they have! This will automatically be posted by Orbot twice per day, every 12 hours. More coming soon! 👀
• Fixed Elite leaderboard inline issue for Discord mobile app
• There's now a broadcast in #❓help-me which informs players how to create a ticket!
⭐ New ELITE Items
• Halloweenie Avatar
• Autumn Time Kill Bits 🍂'