🗨️ Gwynn’s News
It's been a while since we've had a change log! Our devs have been busy working on the new farming game and getting it ready for release! In the meantime, we have some updates for you!
🌐 Global
• Player can share their Battlepass, currencies and progress info with other players in the channel for 5 Gems
• Fix login issues with slow internet connections
• Fixed players being unable to join games under some conditions requiring them to relog
• Your UI no longer disappears when clicking on the Extra Things menu in your inventory
• Commands show auto-completion again
• Renamed the “My Profile” menu to “My Profile” (was wrongly labeled “My Things”)
• Fixed Battlepass level wording inconsistencies
⚔️ Rush
• Changed when winstreaks reset after a player leaves the game. Now if the player leaves a game twice in a row, the winstreak will be reset.
• Rephrased the Cautious Victory challenge has been rephrased to match the intended behavior
🏎️ Hyper Racers
• The Croco Kart no longer leaves players stuck in the animation
🕗 Chronos: Battle Royale
• Fixed Chronos Sparrow Bug in some cases
🦘 Parkour Builders
• Players with a large play history in parkour no longer receive a timed-out message when trying viewing their history
• Removed the minutes text from the On The Grind Challenge
👻 The Entity
• Fix chat spamming
😍 New Shop Items!
• Rare Ice Cream Gravestone
• Rare Slurpee Mascot Avatar
• Legendary Pet Hedgehog