🗨️ Orbi’s News
Thousands of you have voted for an epic name for our new hub! We’ll give it one more week for everyone to get their votes in, and we’ll tally the results and announce the winning name next week! Get your last-minute votes in now! Also, check out our Chronos Mega Tournament and sign up if you think you can win!
🌐 Global
Many of you demanded it, and we listed! We're hosting a Chronos Mega Tournament 🎉 Check out more information and sign-up here!
🤖 Discord News
• Added /currencies slash command to Orbot
• Added /battlepass slash command to Orbot
• Added /progress slash command to Orbot
• Fixed Orbot not sending Prestige announcements and Parkour publish messages
• Fixed Orbot not giving roles to players
🕗 Chronos: Battle Royale
• Fixed connection issue involving killing players
• Fixed TNT Bomb & Explosive Arrow damaging teammate
🪐 Core Wars
• Broken core skins no longer cause game-breaking behavior
🦘 Parkour Builders
• Respawn blocks have been added to the parkour shop! We’re excited to see what ideas you all come up with using this new mechanic!
😍 New Shop Items!
• Epic Strong Axolotl Avatar