🗨️ Gwynn’s News
We have a lot of fun things going on right now! You can sign up for our Hyper Racers Tournament, suggest ideas for our new community vote, or create fan art for us to post on our social media! The pumpkin hunt is still live in the main hub, too 🎃
🌐 Global
• The Dutch, Polish, and Brazilian Portuguese language files have been updated! Thank you Norbini, Flonja, and yDominicx
• The first month of our community vote is complete! The players suggested and voted for new perks to be added to Chronos. You can check out the results in the announcements channel! Whenever a new perk is added, we’ll mention it in the changelogs here. Next month’s community vote theme will be new ideas for Melvin’s Mine! More details can be read in the community vote channel.
• AI has been made smarter
🐄 My Farm Life
• Fixed bug where players sometimes got kicked when they tried to join MFL
🦘 Parkour Builders
• The hitbox of wall posts are now the correct height
⭐ New ELITE Items
ELITE Jellyfish Sunset Core
ELITE Snowflakes Kill Bits