We're hosting a summer tournament for content creators! Battle against your friends in Hyper Racers, Chronos, and Rush. Winners will receive cash prizes!
This tournament will be held on Saturday, August 14th at 6pm BST (10am PST / 1pm EST / 2am JST)

How It Works
This tournament will be split into four parts.
The first part is Chronos. All 32 players will be put into a game and battle to the last man standing. The winner of that game will automatically get a spot in the final round. The top 8 people placed will receive points that add to their score, getting them closer to entering the winning round.
The second part is Hyper Racers. The group will be split into four groups of 8 and those people will race 3 times against each other. Viewers will be voting for the maps that participants play on! Players will get points based on where they place each game. Then we'll have a final fourth game with the top two players from each group. The winner of that game will automatically get a spot in the final round.
The third part is Rush. This will work in the same way as the Hyper Racers part: four groups of 8 people. They'll play three games and then the top players will play in a final game. The winner of that game will automatically get a spot in the final round.
The fourth and final part will be a Chronos game. The winners of the previous rounds and those who qualify with enough points will be put into one final game which will determine the winners of the tournament!

Breaking any of these rules will disqualify a participant from the tournament.
• No cheating in any way
• No glitch or bug abusing
• No stream sniping
• No teaming or alliances of any kind
• Practice good sportsmanship and respect to your fellow participants
• All other Galaxite rules apply in this tournament

First Place - $1000 cash
Second Place - $500 cash
Third Place - $300 cash
Popular Vote Bonus - $100 cash
Other bonuses may be available!

Sign-ups are now closed!