Meet the central protagonists of the genre-bending, episodic Minecraft adventure map series created by Blockception. Join this duo of budding adventurers, as they travel across different worlds in search of Master Block Fragments that will hopefully restore balance to the universe! Sam is shy but brave, while Danni is observant and ambitious. Both have been friends for many years - and have explored countless abandoned ruins and temples together with their Professor, Chipstick.

What is Orbi?
This curious creature is of unknown origin but has appeared to assist Sam & Danni on their quest after emerging from the remnants of the broken Master Block. What will she lead them too? What ancient truths will they discover?

Who is Chipstick?
Professor. Adventurer. Archeologist. Explorer Extraordinaire. Chipstick is all of these things and more - but what really gets Sam & Danni excited are the ancient grounds and building sites he takes them too, as well as the eccentric inventions that he can craft. No human alive can match the talent and creativity of this professor, not even his twin brother!

You'll see these characters around the server!
If you want to learn more about these characters and their adventures, go to their website at