Hello everyone! We're having another build contest! Our last one was such a success, we've decided to do it for another minigame: Prop Hunt!

Each map must:
• Be inescapable
• Be a similar size to current maps on the network
• Have a unique theme that compliments our current props
Tips & Tricks:
• Place signs on the maps for where you want specific props to be placed! Click here for a list of all items.
• Avoid clutter and build professionally.
• Add multiple levels/floors to your map, it makes gameplay more interesting and increases performance. Make multiple ways to get between these levels for ease of access.
• Make your map easily traversable by making multiple openings and entrances to most rooms.
• You may submit up to 3 maps and you may work in groups of up to four people!
• The map(s) should be built by you. If someone submits a map built by someone else or stolen from somewhere, they'll be banned.
• You can build in Java or Bedrock.
• At least one winner, but up to 3 winners can be selected!
• All submissions must be entered before June 20th! Winning maps will be added sometime during Season 4.
Winners will be given the Season 4 Battlepass and other vanity items tailored to the winner(s). Their map will be added to Galaxite and the creator's names will be displayed below the map name when the map is selected during games.
How to import and export Minecraft Worlds:
We've provided a guide below to import and export maps for both versions of Minecraft, but if you need more help, we suggest you look up a YouTube tutorial to give you a visual of how to do it.
Java: Go to your ".minecraft" folder on your computer and go to the Saves folder. You can add the template by dragging the Java Zip file into that folder and unzipping it. To export the completed map, select the same world and zip it. Then upload it a file-sharing site and send it to us! Make sure to have sharing settings configured so we can view your build(s).
Bedrock: To open the template, simply double-click Bedrock file and it will import the template into your game. You can then join it from your worlds! Once it's finished, from the "worlds" menu, click the edit/pencil-button and scroll all the way to tbe bottom of Game Settings. Click the button "Export World" and save it. Then upload it a file-sharing site and send it to us! Make sure to have sharing settings configured so we can view your build(s).