🗨️ Gwynn’s News
We'll be announcing the Season 8 release date really soon! We're doing the last few preparations and getting the new Battlepass ready! What theme do you think it will be this time? Let us know in #general-chat on our Discord!
Our Photography Competition is happening right now! You can enter in to 10 different categories, giving you 10 opportunities to win! To enter and check out full details, click here!
🌐 Global
• Lots of work and effort are being put into improving the login issues players have been experiencing. We appreciate the patience from everyone while we work this out! We’ll get any fixes done asap.
• Fixed lots of bugs related to queueing, players will be randomly requeued to another game much less frequently
• Fixed players not showing in the report menu
😍 New Shop Items!
Epic Cyber Cyrus Avatar
Epic Pirate Marey Avatar
Epic Witch Kart