🗨️ Ali's News
There’s a lot more work being done in preparation for Season 8! We’ll be announcing a release date soon, keep an eye out for it!
This update is for the Pet lovers! Everyone who bought one of the limited-edition pets will receive a second one that they can either hatch themselves or gift to a friend! 🎉 🐶
🌐 Global
• Double XP weekend happens this weekend!!
• Items are now displayed correctly across all supported Minecraft versions.
• Bug fixes for the hubs, including some for Melvin's Mine.
• More server-side optimisations implemented, should benefit all game servers
• Steve skin issues with the newest game version should be fixed across the network
• You now have the ability to gift unhatched pets! More pets and features coming soon!
🕗 Chronos: Battle Royale
• Items not properly in the player’s inventory are now correctly removed upon death.